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The Rabbinical College seeks to develop scholars thoroughly trained in higher Jewish learning. It prepares its students for positions as rabbis, teachers, communal leaders, as well as responsible, conscientious and intelligent lay membership in the community. By means of small classes, seminars and individual consultation, the student is guided towards the realization of his full potential as a scholar. The College provides opportunities for original research and intensive advanced study and encourages the publication of such research.
The Rabbinical College is concerned with transmitting the ethical, philosophical and spiritual teachings and values of Judaism. |
The Rabbinical College is concerned with transmitting the ethical, philosophical and spiritual teachings and values of Judaism. It is at the same time committed to the unique philosophy of Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidism, a system that reaches into the deepest mysteries of the Creation. It makes ample use of illustrations and examples from experience, so that it becomes comprehensible even to those who are little gifted with the powers of theoretical and abstract thinking.
The Baal Shem Tov, using the slogan "G‑d wants the heart," taught that Torah is the property of all Jews. Thus he founded the Chassidic movement, which emphasizes the importance in Judaism of a person's emotions and sincere feelings. Lubavitch Chassidism, also known as Chabad, was developed by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov's successor. He synthesized Chassidic fervor and worship with Talmudic rationality and learning, successfully blending emotionalism and intellectualism. And that is the atmosphere that prevails at the Rabbinical College of America.
Emphasis is placed on studying in groups or with a partner rather than alone. Most of the Talmud consists of "one to one" discussions of Jewish laws and customs, not merely the conclusions. Chassidic philosophy expounds on the merits of this method of study, pointing out the greater depths and clarity of understanding that it brings.